iPhone Location Aware Apps by Example Review

A wealth of knowledge on creating location based (GPS) apps, and tying into to well known API’s

If you have been interested in creating applications using that tie into your iPhone’s GPS, this book provides many great examples.
The book starts with an introduction to GPS terms, but quickly transitions into examples for creating “Hello location” apps using many tools, including Xcode, PhoneGap, Titatanium Appcelerator, and several more, so you have a choice which tool you prefer. The book goes over the Core GPS functions, and then into tying your app into well known API’s to introduce more functionality to your app, without needing to try to code everything from a blank template. The API’s it includes are the last.fm API, MapKit for including maps in your apps, the Weatherbug API, foursquare and many more advanced topics, such as getting the direction, and storing and recieving events from a SQLLite database.
The book has so many different ideas, and different API’s related to GPS functionality, that you could find ideas to fulfill almost any of your GPS related app ideas.

I would recommend this book to anyone interested in making an iphone application that they would like to tie into any location based mechanics that they might be interested in.

You can pick up the book here:

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