
Begining Flash Game Programming and ActionScript Programming Part 2 ALTERNATIVE (FOR MAC OR LINUX USERS): Downloading and Setting Up Eclipse (with the flash builder plugin) and Compiling Your First Program

Who This is For This post is primarily for anyone that has to use Eclipse for actionscript programming, which is primarily for Mac, Linux, or even PC users who would rather use the eclipse platform. FlashDevelop is only supported in windows (programmed using C#), so if using a Mac or Linux, you would have to …

Begining Flash Game Programming and ActionScript Programming Part 2 ALTERNATIVE (FOR MAC OR LINUX USERS): Downloading and Setting Up Eclipse (with the flash builder plugin) and Compiling Your First Program Read More »

Problems with Embedding SWFs in ActionScript or Flex

There are two ways of including assets (images, swf animations, music, ect) in your flash application. Either use the URLLoader to load the files externally, or embed your assets, so you can distribute just your swf, and not need to include any other files. It sounds straight forward, but there any many places Flash may …

Problems with Embedding SWFs in ActionScript or Flex Read More »

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