In Example 7.1, we apply textures to our box2d game. I decided to make mine in a Crysis skinned Totem game 😀
(click on certain bodies to destroy them)
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In Example 8.1, we look at objects moving very fast, and see that they can go through other bodies if they are moving fast enough, compared to how thick the bodies are.
(click to see the “bullet” move frame by frame)
We also set it up so that we can see the simulation, step by step, so we can see what actually happens with a fast moving body that is not set as a bullet.
Finally, the last thing we do in the book is to then change a barrier to a sensor, so that we can use it to detect a collision, without having box2d handle that collision.
He also gives an explanation of where we might want to use that, such as if we wanted a character to touch a switch to trigger something, but didn’t want the switch to necessarily collide with our character.
Download the source Code and please leave me any comments or feedback you have.